5 Things Every Great “About” Page must Have
Your company values, mission, and background can help a prospect decide whether to purchase from you. When written right and comprised of the must-have elements, your “about” page can become your most effective sales content.
A consumer will buy from a company they trust, and without describing certain aspects of your business, you’re missing out on building the client relationships you need to grow your customer base.
Here are 5 essential elements that you must include on your website “about” page:
History and Background
The content on any page of your website has to be unique, and outline the personality and vision of your business. A corporate “filler” message will do nothing to separate you from your competition and may even make you lost in the crowd. Tell a story that personalises your business including your company vision, philosophy, mission, and more.
The “about” page is one of the most highly-trafficked pages on your website – treat it like that. Adding your history and background can establish you as an expert and make customers a part of your growing journey. Answer questions such as:
- What year did you start?
- How did you start?
- What is your experience been with employees?
- How have you grown as a company?
- What are your company morals and goals?
- How do you plan to expand in the future?
Crafted to the Audience
An “about” page should be written as though you’re having a conversation with your target audience. Is your client base mainly lawyers? Speak in a professional tone throughout the content.
You’ll also want to add a personal touch to the content and avoid sounding like a stock page.
Visual Elements of Your Company
Compelling content isn’t the only element needed to persuade prospects your company is right for them. Showcasing your employees, workspace, and work process enables the visitor to become connected to your business and its workflow.
Benefit to Prospects
Why should a prospect hire you? In your “about” page, it’s essential to mention how you plan on benefiting your target audience, and the action you take to bring these benefits to life. It’s also a great idea to include specific examples of how you’ve helped your past clients.
“Our company values its clients. We work to create a collaborative environment where the client is an integral part of the team. In the past, our services have raised sales by 35% for companies like Pepsi, Company 2, and Company 3.”
A solid testimonial on the about page can build trust and establish proof that your company’s results are advantageous.
Call to Actions
There are probably numerous call to actions all over your website except on the “about” page. The above content and visuals persuade your potential clients of your quality and a call to action is the perfect opportunity to direct the visitor.
Something as simple as a distinguished button to the contact page can increase conversions more than you may think.
We at JTB Studios are website experts and understand the importance of an “about” page. Visit us today https://www.jtbstudios.com.au