Is Your Website Browser Compatible?
Today we have hundreds of different internet browsers and all of them will handle each site in a different way.
The most popular browsers include Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera. With so many options, it is highly improbable to create a website that displays in every browser, but making one compatible with the most popular is achievable. Cross Browser Compatibility is the capability for your website to function in all browsers without any interruptions or errors occurring.
The Importance of Browser Compatibility
While Google Chrome might be your preferred internet browser, some of your customers may think otherwise. Therefore, you may be losing potential clients that decide to use a browser that your website isn’t fully compatible with. Some of these browsers can interfere with your website’s appearance, not presenting the image your business has worked hard to achieve. Other browsers can even go as far as not displaying the website completely, with a link coming up stating the website is broken, eliminating your business listing altogether from the competition.
Testing the Problem
The first step in testing your website is researching which internet browsers your customers are more likely to use. There are two ways in testing your website’s browser compatibility: The hard way and the easy way. The hard way is to manually visit your website in every popular internet browser and deciding for yourself if it fits your client’s needs. This is time consuming and your judgement alone may not be enough to correctly analyse the cross browser compatibility of the website. Also, you may not have all popular browsers already on your computer and downloading them all can be a hassle.
The second option is to use a free online tool such as or to receive screenshots and other important information that diagnoses the issues if any. It is recommended to test browser compatibility for your website immediately to ensure your website is in working condition for your entire market audience.
The Solution
There are many reasons as to why a website doesn’t display in a certain browser, the first being an error in the code. Since all browsers handle code differently, it is important to ensure your code is valid and clean. This helps the internet to quickly search through your code to display the website correctly with minimal loading time. It is best to always receive a second opinion on anything written, especially code. This can be solved by using a free online HTML validator. Another solution is to run your CSS through a CSS validator to guarantee all of your styling elements are correct and in place.
The Conclusion
There are many online aspects that could result in a reduction to your sales; cross browser compatibility errors shouldn’t be one of them. Maintaining a website that works on every internet platform is essential in your online website presence. Testing and correcting mistakes with your website’s inability to display in all browsers should be a simple process. Is your website compatible? Get in touch with us today to know how we can help your website give seamless user experience to all your website visitors on all the browsers.